Tuesday, August 28, 2012


From Ingrid: Update of this morning:  They took Malaya back between 8:30 and 9:00 and due to her complications of her veins...they were unable to draw blood last night so that has to be done first which takes 45 minutes.  After match, is made and blook supply is in the room ready, along with everything else...it possibly will be 2 hours from when the initial start of surgery is! Anesthesia has just come to us to sign the release for them to do the central line! Pray, Pray, Pray!!!!!! I have so much faith in ya'lls prayers!! Ya'll have carried us thru this! YES!!!! All of you are a part of this so PRAY!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!  Ingrid and Jeff
We've had a little complication getting this posted so during this time, they have paged and informed us that central line is in and Malaya is still doing fine. Surgery should start soon! 

Malaya Sends this Message Out so As You Read Look at this Angel as if she is speaking out to You! If only you could have experienced first-hand to see the peace that God has carried her thru with! In spite of the meds that normally bring on fuzziness and hyperness and lack of hunger...Malaya has continued with her nature from when she was born. Not a moment of crying unless she was enduring pain! It has amazed my spirit and warmed my heart!
The word of the Lord came to me, saying "before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Alas, Sovereign Lord," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am too young." But the Lord said to me"Do not say, "I am too young." You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declared the Lord. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "I have put my words in your mouth. See, TODAY I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant."
GOD ...you have already used Malaya to live out your word! She has done more in a week than some of us have in a lifetime! God, bless the people of Belmont & all around the world who "Set the Atmosphere" for You and Your angels last night at 7:00! It was no coincidence that the nurse had failed to bring me the consent form yday and when she finally did and I signed it and looked at the clock to write it down on the form ... it was 7:00!!!! God I am believing that as I signed that consent form to hand her over & your people started crying out with sincere hearts ...that You looked upon us with a glad heart for Your Will was being done thru all your saints! And this little baby girl that You hand picked to be the strong one to lead Your people...will have Your mercy and grace on her during surgery! God, Jeff and I have failed you  Miserably and God we recognize how our disobedience as a parent, as an individual, as a friend has brought us to this mountain before us! God, we ask that You search our heart today, that if ANYTHING is in it that is not of You, God if its pride bitterness unforgiveness anger ...whatever DELIVER US TODAY! LET YOUR PRAYER WARRIORS SEEK THEIR HEARTS FOR ANYTHING SO THAT THIS REQUEST DOESNT GO UNANSWERED! Dig deep down in our heart soul and spirit and my prayer is that all You see is Sincerity & Obedience!! God you have said in Your Word to come with a sincere heart and You will answer! Let Your people know the seriousness of this request! God You have convicted and Humbled Jeff and I , not just to our knees...but our faces planted down at Your feet crying out for Your touch! You came down so mighty in Malayas room this morning! I had an intervention of Your touch like never before! And I will claim again and testify before Your people that as a Mother and Jeff as a Father, as hard as it is to grasp the strength to speak these words out, we speak them out to Your People...."WE THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING MALAYA TO BE YOUR MIGHTY SERVANT! WE THANK YOU FOR THE LIVES SHE IS TOUCHING! WE THANK YOU FOR THIS MOMENT THAT HAS CHANGED OUR DIRECTION OF LIFE AND HOW WE THINK AND HOW WE SERVE YOU! WE THANK YOU THAT IT WAS US THAT YOU PICKED TO BE HER PARENTS! WE THANK YOU FOR THIS TERRIBLE HORRIBLE TIME IN OUR LIFE BECAUSE YOU HAVE FOREVER MORE SHINED YOURSELF UPON OUR FACES THAT WE WILL NEVER BE BLINDED BY THE WORLD & BUSYNESS THAT SATAN USES TO CONFUSE & DISTRACT US! Move God! MOVE GOD! MOVE GOD TODAY ON YOUR PEOPLE SO THAT YOUR PLAN IS BEING DONE ACCORDINGLY! MOVE ON YOUR THE DOCTORS AND NURSES THAT YOU HAND PICKED! WE THANK YOU FOR GOD-BELIEVING PEOPLE IN THAT SURGERY ROOM THAT ALLOWED OUR PEAYER CLOTH BLANKET TO BE IN THE ROOM! WE STAND ON YOUR PEACE THAT SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING TODAY IN THE NAME OF JESUS! THE BLOOD IS APPLIED AND SATAN IS BOUND IN JESUS NAME! AMEN & AMEN!

11:00 a.m. Surgery has started.

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